Heather V. Keffer Timeless Photography

Our pricing reflects a remarkable value to our clients without sacrificing product quality.

Unfortunately with the current market conditions, we must raise our prices for the first time since 2008.

We appreciate your understanding.

Prices effective March 24, 2025

Studio Portrait Session Fee: $15.00 (Groups of 5-9: $25.00 and 10+ $50.00)

Studio Newborn Session Fee: $25.00

Studio Pet Portrait Session Fee: $25.00

Location Portrait Session Fee: $50.00 (add $15.00 per additional hour)

Senior Studio Session Fee: $35.00 (add a friend or family member for $10)

Bridal and Wedding Packages: Please contact us for quote

Portraits: (sold by sheet**)

Quantity Size Price
Standard Portrait Products
8 wallets $14.00
4 3x5 $14.00
2 5x7 $14.00
1 8x10 $14.00
1 10x13 $25.00
1 16x20 $80.00
1 20x24 $100.00
Specialty Portrait Products
1 10x10 Timeless Study $55.00
1 20x20 Timeless Study $95.00
1 16x20 Stretched Canvas $185.00
1 20x24 Stretched Canvas $220.00
Contact us for Digital Delivery Prices

Black & White, Sepiatone Portraits - add $3.00 per print.

Color Enhanced Portraits - add $6.00 per print.

Mini-Sessions are available throughout the year for special occasions.

Please follow us on Facebook for Mini-Session updates.

These prices are effective for TWO WEEKS after each session is made available online.

$2.00 per print will be added to orders placed following that TWO WEEK period.

** Pricing is subject to change with or without notice **